Bounty # 0

Price(s): ?

Title: Fluence Network Dashboard UX And UI

Type: Design, UX, UI


~~Fluence provides a decentralized, p2p compute protocol, network and tooling. The Fluence network works as a distributed cloud providers network, where nodes provide Services, and Services are accessible via Aqua language. Currently nodes, services, and modules (service components) are visualizable with the Fluence Dashboard.~~


Design the UX and UI for the main web page page, service page and module page. Develop the search criteria with respect to networks, peers, services, modules and tags/metadata, create the UX and UI.


Bounty # 1

Price(s): USDC 2000

Title: Fluence Award And Attention NFTs


Fluence provides a decentralized, p2p compute protocol, network and tooling. Fluence network serves as an off-chain decentralized cloud, providing the foundation for backends, API, or p2p protocols. Fluence is compatible with blockchains, storage, identity, and other protocols.